Sitting Meditation- “What It Is.” Part 2
Revisiting the poem, “What It Is“ is an opportunity to explore even deeper opening into what is here with compassion and wisdom.
Revisiting the poem, “What It Is“ is an opportunity to explore even deeper opening into what is here with compassion and wisdom.
What It Is (English translation of Was es ist) Written by: Erich Fried. Translated by: Anna Kallio It is nonsense says reason It is what it is says love It is calamity says calculation It is nothing but pain says fear It is hopeless says insight It is what it is says love It is … Continue reading Sitting Meditation- What It Is
A meditation to help remind us that home is always already here and available in each moment now. Tasting Mindfulness, Jon Kabat-Zinn Have you ever had the experience of stopping so completely, of being in your body so completely, of being in your life so completely, that what you knew and what you didn’t know that … Continue reading Sitting Meditation- Remembering Home
The word yoga has a definition of “to yoke“. In this sitting meditation, we are practicing a kind of yoga, or yoking, of body, mind and heart.
Continue reading Sitting Meditation- Re-joining Body, Mind and Heart
There are many different flavors to “efforting” — some useful and some not so useful. What is it like to intention explore a balanced soft effort that allows you to stay engaged with your practice, without over-efforting and contracting.
So often we burden our meditation practice with loaded expectations of what it should look like and what should happen if I am a good meditator. But in reality every meditation is an open invitation to lay down those expectations and meet what is here. Just as it is. Without needed it to be any … Continue reading Sitting Meditation- Meditating With What Is Here
In this meditation we explore a formal practice for strengthening a resource of “taking in the good.”
In this meditation we explore using an anchor of self-kindness for opening to what is here and now.
We start with a short body scan and then move into an exploration of life’s unfolding energy moment by moment
Continue reading Sitting Meditation – Body Scan and Energy of Life
This meditation explores the interplay between goodwill, compassion, letting go and welcoming the moment just as it is.