Category Archives: meditation

Short Mid-day Meditation- A Spiritual Path About Connection

From Sharon Salzberg’s, “The Kindness Handbook, A Practical Companion”: Spirituality is the movement from our prison of self blame and self preoccupation to an inclusive and open engagement with all of life. In many ways a spiritual path is essentially about connection — a deep connection to our own inherent capacity for wisdom and love … Continue reading Short Mid-day Meditation- A Spiritual Path About Connection

Short Mid-day Contemplation and Meditation

Please join me for a short contemplation and practice with a poem from John Welwood: Forget About Enlightenment Sit down wherever you are And listen to the wind singing in your veins. Feel the love, the longing, the fear in your bones. Open your heart to who you are, right now, Not who you would … Continue reading Short Mid-day Contemplation and Meditation