Sitting Meditation – Letting Go
This meditation explores the interplay between goodwill, compassion, letting go and welcoming the moment just as it is.
This meditation explores the interplay between goodwill, compassion, letting go and welcoming the moment just as it is.
Let go a little, get a little peace. Let go a lot, get a lot of peace. Let go completely, get complete peace. A. Chah Sounds good, but how do we really let go?
This week concludes our study of the foundational teaching of Buddhist psychology in the Four Noble Truths, as we study Wise Action– meaning learning to take a step, whether large or small, whether directed towards care for others or self-care, that is aligned with our deepest values and with what gives our lives a keen … Continue reading Wise Action
“Wise livelihood” has no easy answers, but that in no way means we give up. There is a moral complexity that is important that we wrestle with. We do this with a clear intention to do the best we can while knowing we won’t ever find perfect answers.
In this meditation we explore what is it like to when tension is present in the body/mind/heart and open in skillful ways right with what is here. Note: there are more than usual background sounds in this recording. I edited out as much as I could and apologize for the bits that remain… Thanks!
Continue reading Sitting Meditation- Hospitality in face of Tension
Meditation can be a respite, a place we can lay down our loads for a bit and offer a healing hospitality to our own beings.
One framing of mindfulness that I have always appreciated is mindfulness as a spiritual re-parenting of our own selves. Drawing from a talk on parenting by Chris McKenna at Google, we explore how a foundational base for parenting is as important as a foundational base in our relationship with our own being.
In this Body Scan meditation, we explore how waking up to the present moment sensations in the body is a a compassionate act of care.
Continue reading Sitting Meditation – Presence As an Act of Love
In this sharing, we explore traditional teachings from the Buddha 2,600 years ago on wise speech.
In this meditation, we practice opening to the felt energy in the body, below the storylines of what’s happening, to anchor, open to compassion and anchor back in the refuge of the breath.
Continue reading Sitting Meditation-Body Energy and Breath Practice