Tag Archives: Meditation

Sitting Meditation- Listen to Your Life [2.12.25]

This is a meditation on Fredrick Buechner‘s beautiful words. “…Listen to your life. See it for the fathomless mystery that it is. In the boredom and pain of it no less than in the excitement and gladness: touch, taste, smell your way to the holy and hidden heart of it because in the last analysis … Continue reading Sitting Meditation- Listen to Your Life [2.12.25]

Sitting Meditation-  Meditation as a Kindness [1.25.25]

The Tibetan teacher , Shabkar, said:  To meditate without kindness is simply to inflict hardship on yourself. What does this mean for you in this practice, right now?   Please Note: The meditation ends at 18:10 and starting 18:11 is a small talk regarding the quote above.  

Sitting Meditation: Welcoming

The radical turn of mindfulness meditation is to meet whatever is here, instead of worrying about how to “fix” ourselves to stop whatever is coming up. This practice explores “The Welcoming Prayer.” If “God” language doesn’t work for you, please feel free to substitute as best for you. The Welcoming Prayer Welcome, welcome, welcome. I … Continue reading Sitting Meditation: Welcoming

Sitting Meditation: Contemplation on Time/Space/Gravity and Now [12.3.24]

Gravity is a mysterious connecting force that is always available as an anchor. In this meditation, we open to a contemplation on the relation between time/space/gravity and this moment now.   Please note: there is no accompanying talk for this meditation.

Sitting Meditation- “Meditation Is Love”

“Don’t meditate to fix yourself, to heal yourself, to improve yourself, to redeem yourself; rather, do it as an act of love, of deep warm friendship to yourself. In this way there is no longer any need for the subtle aggression of self-improvement, for the endless guilt of not doing enough. It offers the possibility … Continue reading Sitting Meditation- “Meditation Is Love”