Sitting Meditation- Respecting Our Wholeness
In this sit, we open to exploring all of what’s here in this moment, not just the often very small story of “who we are vs who should be…”
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In this sit, we open to exploring all of what’s here in this moment, not just the often very small story of “who we are vs who should be…”
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This session explores how a meditation on a “triggering” children’s movie helped me see how the compassion in the term “compassion fatigue” is probably not compassion at all… Please note: slight distortion from 00:00-03:00 and briefly around 15:00
We can learn to use a practice of skillful pendulation in our sitting practice, and in the whole our life as a means of grounding with challenge. This is a practice of flowing with a natural movement of coming and going, contraction and release, breathing in and breathing out, tides moving in and out, day … Continue reading Sitting Meditation- Pendulation, a Natural Rhythm of Life
This sharing explores the congruency between refuge in the Dharma and modern behavioral medicine, particularly drawing from Judson Brewer’s gears model for habit change. If you want more information on Judson Brewer, please see this Ted Talk.
Revisiting the poem, “What It Is“ is an opportunity to explore even deeper opening into what is here with compassion and wisdom.
This talk again explores the Buddhist practice of taking refuge in the Dharma. Dharma refers to an inherent knowable wholeness in all things— a concept that is palpable and useful in everyday life when we look for it. Note: there is a background static sound in the first 2 minutes of the talk and again … Continue reading Refuge in the Way of Things. Part 2
What It Is (English translation of Was es ist) Written by: Erich Fried. Translated by: Anna Kallio It is nonsense says reason It is what it is says love It is calamity says calculation It is nothing but pain says fear It is hopeless says insight It is what it is says love It is … Continue reading Sitting Meditation- What It Is
In this sharing, we look at the Buddhist concept of “Taking Refuge.” This can be understood in many ways, one of which is through a deep examination of feedback pointing to wholeness in the natural world as well as within our own bodies. No need to be Buddhist to appreciate the beauty and usefulness of this … Continue reading Refuge in the Way of Things. Part 1
A meditation to help remind us that home is always already here and available in each moment now. Tasting Mindfulness, Jon Kabat-Zinn Have you ever had the experience of stopping so completely, of being in your body so completely, of being in your life so completely, that what you knew and what you didn’t know that … Continue reading Sitting Meditation- Remembering Home
This sharing looks at specific practices for integrating our practice into daily life– even when daily life is 5 failed attempts to get your car towed… Click here for the handout. If you want to learn more about polyvagal exercises, Polyvagal Exercises for Safety and Connection, written by Deb Dana is a good place to … Continue reading Car Towing and Mindfulness Practice