Appreciative Resourcing
Today I draw upon the wisdom of Darlene Cohen in her article, “One Button At a Time” about working with chronic physical pain and how beautifully those teachings apply to chronic emotional pain as well.
Today I draw upon the wisdom of Darlene Cohen in her article, “One Button At a Time” about working with chronic physical pain and how beautifully those teachings apply to chronic emotional pain as well.
This body scan is a deep centering and grounding for the nervous system.
Continue reading Community Drop In Meditation–Body Scan, Sitting Practice
In this meditation, we take the time to acknowledge whatever pain and hurt might be present, and then to ground and re-center our own nervous systems in order to make ourselves more present in a healing way in our world .
Continue reading Community Drop In Meditation– Sitting practice for finding our center
For this week of so many layers of pain and hurt in our nation, we take the time to acknowledge the pain, to ground and re-center our own nervous systems, and to look at ways to help support healing in our world by not being part of the problem.
Please enjoy this sitting meditation that begins with grounding in body and breath, and then moves into insight questions contemplating agreements of care with ourselves. If you would like to join the live group, we meet Wednesdays at 930A ET on Charlotte Center for Mindfulness YouTube channel. (5-27-20)
Continue reading Community Drop In Meditation- Sitting with Agreement Practice
This week is part 2 of the second agreement- Don’t Take Anything Personally- from Don Miguel Ruiz’s book, The Four Agreements. (5/22/20)
“I long as does every other human being to be at home wherever I find myself.” Maya Angelou Please enjoy this short teaching and body scan based on being at home within ourselves. (5/22/20)
Continue reading Friday Morning Short Meditation– To Be at Home Within Ourselves
Today we look at the 2nd Agreement from Ruiz’s book, The Four Agreements– don’t take anything personally. (5/20/20)
Today we look at the first agreement from Don Miguel Ruiz’s book, the Four Agreements and how it relates to a need for deep self-acceptance. (5/13/20)
Please enjoy this sitting meditation exploring the physicality of the 4 elements of Earth, Air, Fire and Water in the body, using this physical nature of body as a resource for grounding. If you would like to join the live group, we meet Wednesdays at 930A ET on Charlotte Center for Mindfulness YouTube channel. (5/13/20) … Continue reading Community Drop In Sitting Meditation – 4 Elements