Tag Archives: Meditation

Short Mid-day Meditation- A Spiritual Path About Connection

From Sharon Salzberg’s, “The Kindness Handbook, A Practical Companion”: Spirituality is the movement from our prison of self blame and self preoccupation to an inclusive and open engagement with all of life. In many ways a spiritual path is essentially about connection — a deep connection to our own inherent capacity for wisdom and love … Continue reading Short Mid-day Meditation- A Spiritual Path About Connection

Mid-day Meditation – Gardening Practice

Join me for a short sharing and meditation from Thich Nhat Hanh’s book, True Love: We have to learn the art of transforming compost and flowers. Look at the flower: it is beautiful, it is fragrant, it is pure; but if you look deeply you can already see the compost in the flower. With meditation, … Continue reading Mid-day Meditation – Gardening Practice

Mid-day Meditation- Learning to Fall

Please join me for this shorter sharing and meditation recorded from the Monday Mid-day Meditation. Today I draw from Philip Simmon’s book, Learning to Fall: We have all heard poems, songs, and prayers that exhort us to see God in a blade of grass, a drop of dew, a child’s eyes, or the petals of … Continue reading Mid-day Meditation- Learning to Fall

Sitting Meditation – Grounding Awareness with Senses and Heart

In this meditation, we move through the senses and body to ground our awareness in heart and Earth.  At one point, I name what is on the exact opposite side of the Earth from where I sit in Charlotte NC, USA.  If you are somewhere else and want to know for your location, here is … Continue reading Sitting Meditation – Grounding Awareness with Senses and Heart