Tag Archives: Matty Weingast

Victor [7.10.14]

In this sharing, we explore one of the poems from the beautiful book, The First Free Women: Original Poems Inspired by the Early Buddhist Nuns, by Matty Weingast.  When used as practice for examining our own relationship with our mind, life and practice, these poems are powerful possibilities for insight.  This sharing involves an inquiry practice with the … Continue reading Victor [7.10.14]

Sitting Meditation- Circling [7.10.24]

This meditation includes the poem Victor, from the beautiful book, The First Free Women: Original Poems Inspired by the Early Buddhist Nuns, by Matty Weingast: Victor:   When everyone else was meditating,  I’d be outside circling in the hall.   Finally I went to confess.  I’m hopeless, I said.    The elder nun smiled.    Just keep … Continue reading Sitting Meditation- Circling [7.10.24]