Tag Archives: four remembrances

The Safe Harbor of Moment to Moment Awareness [5.22.24]

Today we continue to look at how re-anchoring in moment to moment awareness is a powerful practice in finding a better way to navigate any day.  This talk draws from Tara Brach’s practice of Four Remembrances:  Pausing, Yes to Life, Turning toward love, and Resting in Awareness.

Sitting Meditation- Four Remembrances [5.22.24]

This meditation draws from Tara Brach, teaching on four remembrances for practice: Pausing, saying yes to life, turning towards love, resting in awareness. What It Is It is nonsense says reason It is what it is says love It is calamity says calculation It is nothing but pain says fear It is hopeless says insight … Continue reading Sitting Meditation- Four Remembrances [5.22.24]