Monthly Archives: February 2021

The Second Noble Truth, Part 2

The Second Noble Truth states that the most proximal cause of our suffering is clinging, craving or greed.  In this talk, we look at the importance of orienting ourselves with curiosity and interest in growth as opposed to self-judgment for being “greedy.”  Understanding what is underneath the reactivity of greed can allow the natural responsiveness … Continue reading The Second Noble Truth, Part 2

Sitting Meditation – Grounding Awareness with Senses and Heart

In this meditation, we move through the senses and body to ground our awareness in heart and Earth.  At one point, I name what is on the exact opposite side of the Earth from where I sit in Charlotte NC, USA.  If you are somewhere else and want to know for your location, here is … Continue reading Sitting Meditation – Grounding Awareness with Senses and Heart